Top 7 Hotel Marketing Strategies to Attract New Customers


What should a hotel management do to invite more and more guests in their hotels? Since hotel business is very competitive as different hotels compete with each other to acquire same potentials clients, the management must need to work on some hotel marketing strategies to promote their hotel and stand out from the rest. If you have ever gone through hotel marketing dissertation topics, you will get a detailed study on different strategies a hotel management team carries out.

Top 7 Hotel Marketing Strategies to Attract New Customers

Since number of hoteling chains has launched their own websites, they have dissolved their agreements with OTA (Online Travel Agencies). This step results in increment in number of bookings online (via website) in addition to building a pressure on OTAs to reconsider their contract terms and conditions.

Since the world is advancing towards betterment, nowadays people search online which hotel to stay in. Gone are the days when they used to ask from their friends and family to book a room in any good hotel. The guests can now search for a suitable hotel online after reading out reviews of different people and the websites background and history.

What makes Hotels stand apart from their competitors?

Although with the help hotel marketing dissertation topics, you will get comprehensive ideas on how, without the use of OTAs, can hotel distinguish its offerings from others. Well, large or small hoteling chains must carry out programs like productive loyalty sessions, brand awareness and setting up of various channels that promises progressive customer growth.

Top 7 Hotel Marketing Strategies:

In order to survive in competitive hospitality industry, you must follow some marketing strategies that will not only attract new customers but also help you grow as leading hoteliers.

Let us divert our focus on top seven strategies:

1)     Chat and Voice based Services

Do you think that every customer’s mindset is same? Does each one of them treated in similar manner? Certainly not. Lets’ just insert some personalization tactics to your hotel marketing approaches. Since proper customer’s satisfaction is gained when each of the customers is completely satisfied and services, separate chat and voice based services can be of pivotal importance in this field. Therefore, to make your hotel name more prominent than the rest, you need to win the guests hearts.

Since customer’s experience matters a lot in hospitality sector, these communication (voice and chat based) services allows the staff of the hotel to communicate with each and every individual guests. In this way a hotel can meet each individual’s expectation and fulfil their demands resulting in happy customers. They will now use “word of mouth” advertising and recommend it their peer and connections.

2)     Create a Virtual Reality Tour of your Hotel

With the technological advancements taking place around the world, why not make use of it in hotel marketing too? View of hotel’s view, the attraction it includes (including pool side, gym or museum) through virtual reality, can be an amazing option for customers.

3)     Create an attractive website

The website you create is one of the major marketing tool that is used to generate direct sales. The “About Us” or introductory passage related to website history and what is actually does creates a big impact on customer’s mind. Just like marketing dissertation topics related to hotels, tourists destination or health emphasize on website importance, marketers should get proper understanding of building strategies that can help grow their business.

Other than providing hotel’s information on your website, you can upload pictures of different views of hotel and its rooms and an efficient booking system that attracts potential customers.

The website design should be appealing with simple content and clear tabs that make booking as quick as possible.

4)     Social Media Marketing

As the digital world is modernizing, social media has acquired more of people’s attention through easy communication and best marketing platform. The paid advertisements, promotional posts and company’s pages helps in reaching out huge number of audience and even target specific peoples with different area of interest and different mindsets.

As far as hoteling industry is concerned, social media can serve as one of the best forum to promote your hotel business. Facebook through its page, Twitter with the hashtags and LinkedIn through communicating with business partners can be extremely helpful resources once can attract new and existing customers. Different promotional offers can be generated and reached out to vast number of people through advertisements and sharing posts.

5)     Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – An Efficient use of content marketing

What makes a website be on top of the search engines? Well, the content you have placed on it and a perfect optimization with the usage of keywords help boosting its value. A well written blog is nothing if it is not in right hands and not properly optimized. With the use of different SEO tactics, the visibility of your website can be enhanced resulting in attention grabbing of number of clients. The hoteliers out there can simply learn different strategies like high value keywords related to your hotel, the headings and taglines that draw more and more traffic to your website. Variety of marketing dissertation topics are best example of using technology or education based keyword that brings up the rankings of any particular website resulting in its enhanced business.

6)     Introduce mobile bookings

How about introducing mobile booking for hotel reservation? It would an extremely convenient way for both hoteliers and customers. A location based online database offers hotel reservation assistance thorough mobile applications and also mobile website. This marketing approach can gather number of potential customers towards the hotel.

7)     Work with Local Authorities

Since the locality people and businesses know more about their particular areas, hotel marketing managers should approach local authorities and work closely with them, to uplift their hotel business.  If you take help from hotel marketing dissertation topics, you might it interesting to know how local authorities can play pivotal role in hotel’s business growth. The local authorities you approach would be responsible for promoting the hotel to the visitors in their particular area and with the help of huge marketing literature they can carry out number of promotional activities.