“ A game of Risk, a Trivial, a Parcheesi. Lots of questions about you. Mix your chips with mine. Under the table, you cheat your caresses. “Almost 25 years later, not only do I continue to meet with my people whenever I can to “play a little game”, but I have also begun to incorporate board games into my university teaching.
Educational potential
I dare to say that practically all board games are educational , regardless of the age of the players, since they stimulate, among other things , reading comprehension , writing, mental calculation, strategy or creativity. In addition, there are many themed games that, if designed rigorously enough, promote learning about a specific topic. Aware of the educational potential of these thematic games, in recent years I have started to use them as teaching tools at the University. In this context, in the same way that I recommend bibliography, in the form of textbooks, documentaries, articles and essays on chemical and environmental science and technology, I have incorporated into my list of recommendations some games that, in my opinion, provide content complementary to the training of students in chemistry and chemical engineering. For example, I often recommend the Periodic , Ion , Covalence, and Subactomic mini-games to first-year students , which gamify fundamental chemistry concepts such as formulation and the periodic table of elements. I usually also mention the version of Timeline of Science and Discovery , which is the temporary location of the most important scientific events. In courses on sustainability, I always take the opportunity to recommend the CO₂ Second Chance game , an essential complement for future green chemists and engineers. This complex game of strategy is based on infrastructure planning, the purchase of carbon emission rights, participation in climate summits and the achievement of sustainable development goals. I also usually include the High Voltage , on the management of electrical resources and energy sources, the Terraforming Mars , on the management of multidisciplinary engineering projects, or the ” Women in Science ” deck , designed to display the scientific contribution of women who have unfairly anonymous. To master’s students, especially those interested in research, I usually recommend the game Alchemists , which parodies the profession of researcher in a very funny way. Embodying a potion maker, the goal is to conduct experiments, publish theories, attend conferences, and get scholarships to boost your reputation.More than 120,000 cataloged games
In addition to those that Tontxu had, everyone knows a few classics such as chess, dominoes, goose, Monopoly , Pictionary , Party or Scattergories . If you are unable to name at least two or three more, I am sorry to say that you are far behind. More than 120,000 games are listed on the BoardGameGeek website , the IMDb for board games. The board game market is booming and has a very good prognosis . Board games are no longer sold only in toy stores, but also in specialized stores, both physical and online. In addition, general entertainment product stores have a growing section dedicated to board games.
Photograph of a shelf in a store specializing in board games. Image courtesy of the author.