Everything You Need to Know About Pimples on Head


Acne on the scalp, or scalp folliculitis, is most common along your hairline. This condition can cause small and itchy pimples. Sometimes these pimples also become sore and crusted.


A pimple on your scalp may be:

  • Mild, includes blackheads and whiteheads
  • Moderate, includes papules and pustules, which appear on the skin’s surface
  • Severe, includes nodules and cysts, which are imbedded under your skin

Severe scalp acne (acne necrotica and dissecting cellulitis) can form blackened crusts and leave permanent scars. Contact your physician if you are experiencing persistent acne that’s leading to hair loss, bald patches, or severe pain.

You are able to treat a pimple on your scalp numerous over-the-counter (OTC) products. But visit your physician if the pimple lingers or you suspect it could be something else.

What causes a pimple to create on your scalp?

Pimples occur when pores, or hair follicles, get clogged. This may occur when dead skin cells, naturally occurring oil that keeps the skin moisturized (sebum), and bacteria enter the pores. The cells cannot exit the pore, which results in acne in a variety of forms. More serious varieties of acne contain much more bacteria. To get more information about, pimples on head

The types of organisms that cause this inflammation include:

  • Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes)
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis
  • Fungus
  • Mites

Known reasons for clogged pores may include:

  • Product buildup from shampoo or other hair products, such as gel or hairspray
  • Not washing hair frequently enough to completely clean scalp
  • Waiting too much time to wash nice hair after a good work out
  • Wearing a hat or other headgear or equipment that’s caused friction against your scalp

How will you treat pimples on the scalp?

The main element to treating scalp acne is to stop your pores from clogging. It’s the oil blockage and buildup that triggers acne. Maintaining your scalp clean is important. But you’ll want to be sure your shampoo or conditioner isn’t creating your scalp acne.

If you suspect your shampoo or conditioner is triggering the challenge, you may consider trying some new products. For mild and moderate acne try products with ingredients like:

  • Salicylic acid (Neutrogena T/Sal Shampoo): exfoliates dead skin cells so they don’t enter pores and cause acne, but less effective than benzoyl peroxide
  • Glycolic acid (Aqua Glycolic): supports exfoliation and kills micro bacteria
  • Ketoconazole or ciclopirox (Nizoral): antifungal agents in antidandruff shampoos
  • Tea tree oil (Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle): antibacterial properties can help fight acne
  • Jojoba oil (Majestic Pure): might not be rid of acne, but increasing your shampoo can help reduce acne inflammation

Use oil-based products in moderation to avoid clogging your pores. If you too use hair products like waxes, pomades, hair sprays, and clays, you might choose sulfate-free clarifying shampoo (Ion). Clarifying shampoos remove dirt, oil, and product buildup from your hair. Avoid using this type of shampoo all too often as it can dry out flowing hair, especially if it’s been dyed or heat-damaged.

Techniques for prevention

Determining the reason (such as clogged pores) and making changes in lifestyle can help with acne prevention. You’ll also want to consider products that won’t cause too much buildup on your scalp and won’t dry it out. This consists of waxes, hair sprays, clays, and other hair products that are free from certain chemicals and additives.

Comedogenic ingredients are recognized to clog pores, especially for people with sensitive skin. Popular comedogenic things that you might find in shampoos and conditioners include sulfates and laureth-4.

Reducing scalp irritation can help decrease cases of scalp acne.

Remember to wash flowing hair after training, wearing headgear, or other possible activities that caused sweating. Maintaining your sleeping area clean, including changing your pillowcases and removing makeup (to avoid acne over the hairline) can help too.