Videos vs. Images – What Works Better for Facebook Ads?


Did it ever occur to you how our every single move is watched, and each thing we search on google or sometimes even talk about it with somebody else in person is being heard? It’s kind of creepy, but this is what personalized data collection is about and is an important aspect of the latest marketing. Often we don’t realize how much we need something until it comes in front of our eyes while scrolling through Facebook or Instagram on a random day.

As violating as it sounds to our privacy, this is how the world operates now, and we can do nothing but ease into it, admitting the fact that everything is being done for our benefit. The whole advertisement concept is to serve us better, and companies have been making dollars through personalized and smart marketing techniques.

How Advertisements Change Perspective?

While there are many reasons why businesses are convinced to use social media platforms for advertisement. Two common reasons are ease of reaching the target audience and being highly cost-effective. Social media advertisements can cover up miles with a single sponsored post and change perspectives in just a matter of seconds.

While there are various platforms to initiate and expand social networks, Facebook is the pioneer when it comes to everything. We all remember a time when Facebook was used with the sole purpose to chat and stay connected with friends. Still, every time a question or ambiguity regarding a brand or product arises, our first instinct is to check our social network, i.e., reviews on Facebook.

We do this so unconsciously that we don’t even realize how much the app has taken over us. All our decisions are affected in one way or another by social advertisement and just many comments posted on a Facebook page. And brands are using the opportunity to target what we are searching just by using smart keyword placements and hashtags.

It is important for a business to understand the right strategy. Right strategy results from proper utilization of keywords and placing them in a way that is noticeable by the users. It may take some time to learn that but to get an idea you can check online websites such as: Famoid

Impact of Facebook ads

Let’s look at the growth and impact of Facebook advertisements over the past decade. It is safe to say that there is a drastic rise of 3400% of the social media platform’s revenue because of advertising. This number is huge, and considering the ever-rising impact, the number is continuously increasing and growing. How come Facebook advertisement is so powerful and effective?

First of all, the organic reach on Facebook is mind-blowing. Businesses can reach the target group in just a series of clicks are results are almost convincing. Another factor that leads to powerful results is the fact that 22% of the world population uses Facebook.

Being the first popular social media app, Facebook has made itself a comfortable place for many people. According to a survey the 51% of total advertisement spend is done on Facebook; of course, something is promising and effective. One of the biggest reasons for Facebook being so popular with advertisements is easy to use and simple policy.

We all are familiar with the idea of using Facebook to our advantage and whether it be creating a fan page, making your profile, or starting a simple business, to sell something. Now there are different ways through which brands use Facebook and its advertising.

Types of Facebook ads

While the objective of each Facebook ad remains the same: to create awareness, to bring consideration, and to generate conversions, there are various Facebook ads formats such as Video, Photo, and Carousel. Each advertisement has a different way of working.

Video Ads

Just another type of advertisement which is highly popular too. These could be short videos that fall in the category of link click ads. Instead of a still image, your ad is in a video format and reveals information about your product.

The ads are self-explanatory and extensive enough to give an idea. However, sometimes users lose attention if the ads are too long, making the right video ads the biggest challenge.


The easiest and most common type of Facebook advertisement. If you are a Facebook user for years, you must know this is the beginning of the advertisement on Facebook. The post contains just a single image with a call to action link that connects you directly to the page or the website.

To create an impact with the Image advertisement, a business needs to speak without using words. The images are usually simple and decipher a real-life experience creatively.


You may not be familiar with this term, but we are pretty sure we all see this type of advertisement repeatedly. The carousel ads are several images, each different from the other, and by clicking on each image, the user can land on a different page.

Video vs. images

Now when it comes to choosing the right way of marketing on Facebook, there needs to be a clear understanding of the results given by each type of advertising. While images are a more traditional way to convey a message, research videos produce 52% or results and images 48%. This is a close call considering the difference isn’t much, but when you are spending hundreds of dollars, even a single percent makes a difference.

A common fact is that video ads demand an extra second by making the user stop and watch the video. As users spend more than 100 million hours per day on videos, the chances to be noticed are huge. But the tricky part is making optimized videos.

The first three seconds of a video ad can make up to 47% of the value for your product, and this is huge considering how each second can change and impact the results.

Results from both

Video ads observe a two-times increase in the clicks, and the conversion rates are also said to increase by 20 to 35%. The click-through rate is up to 3 times higher with Facebook video ads. And not only this, Video ads are better at generating greater ROI.

This is probably because Videos catch the eye and engage viewers compared to text on a monitor. On top of that, they deliver data much quicker than reading text, which ensures that you can get your point across to viewers in seconds. Moving images make the user stop and pay attention for a second as a curiosity to see what happens next is a common human nature, and marketers cash that in the best way possible.